Thursday, March 12, 2009


The universal solvent in the universe. It is important to us human being to survive. We cant live without water it satisfy our thirst that we are experiencing when we do our daily activities.

Water is important for all living things on earth in order to survive and to grow. Human being get food from plants and animals. Also, plants needs water to undergone photosynthesis. The environment to have clean air. and animals like human, it helps the metabolism process of food.

And lastly, a good source of electricity to our country. water is very important to us. Other things are not present without water.


They say nursing is an art,But I say nursing is wonderful,wonderful in such way many unexpected things would be happened at first, You can feel the essence of being one of the Health care team. but before you want to become a nurse, First is you should do all the hardships and sacrifices that may come to the path to become a nurse. On the way you will encounter different people,diiferent Instructors. There are some are good but some are terror, terror in the sense that they taught us how to be responsible enough to handle situation and problems and also they taught how to become a role model as a nurse.

Nursing is not easy as to other courses even though it have many are prefer to enroll in this course. You should always strive hard and do more to excel.

My Family..

On the day that was I born was the happiest day of my parents life. And so the family of mine was started. Having a family is so wonderful and happy. Because almost all of your life revolves on them. One who protects to you when you have trouble, the one who takes care of you when you are sick. and lastly, who is there to understand all of the things that you have done.
When you are in your family, you feel comfortable and safe besides to them. you can express their sympathy to you through their experiences and realizations in life.

There are also times that you are taught and realize to you, youre bad things that you have dine and despite all of this they love me so much that they will do anything to me, that why I love them so much.


They are Lovely to look, Lovely to taste and delicious to smell from the nose. Our Body need variety of foods to become a Healthy and well-being person. Digesting food start in the mouth until it goes down to our stomach and goes out to the anus.

Nowadays, we can eat raw materials of food like fruits and vegetables.Just wash it over a flush of water and were done. Also thee sushi or what we called fresh meat of fish is very delicious.

In spite of variety of foods that are present today, We should be very careful in choosing food that we are in taking. Because of many preservatives that are present. Preservatives gives bad effect and many diseases to our body even thought it adds taste of the food. But I will prefer to eat food that comes in the garden than eating foods that are genetically modified by the chemicals that surrounds us.

Monday, March 2, 2009

College LIfe

College Life... is the stage were we are starting to become who we are and what we are going to be with.. In this stage. we are decding whether what we gonna be in the future...As I experinced, it feels wonderful and heart warming when you are preparing for the another stage of studying. Having hard time to finish all of the things that we would do in order to enter another institution to enroll. New people to meet, new friends,new experinces and also new teachers to be with... On the first day of my class, I quiet ashame and shy to express things that is happening in the class. but on the later part of the first semester of we have, many happenings and frinds that are encounter. Some of this are the one who you can mingle on your spare time, doing such carzy hings just for fun,goind anywhere that we wanted to go. College lofe is so wonderful and yet quite busy and sterssfull to have.. many Prjects that shouls pass, many requirements and assgns to be done. We are not dealing only for having fun but it is thwe serious act of studying hard for the future.

And in this stage we enounter terrible instuctors and teahcers that tought us to be a good and responsible students and a medical profession in the future, becasue we are dealing of life, a patient who needs care and enhance their health status in life. This stage I personally learned how to deal persons who dont want to be with you. Dealing with the relationship that not just for fun or to have companion but to be with you in times of troubles and hardships that we encounter in this stage. This college life that I have was very challenging for me beacuse in this stage, my parents are test on how to prove to us how they are working theirbest for our futureto have.

Even though I have not finish this college life. I can say that I am ready to face any obstacles and hardships to come in my succeding years because I am equip with the strengths and wisdom that my experinces gave to me. And also the that for the mentors and parents who taught me on how to mange things in the right path.


In this article that I post, i relate it on my own experinces as one of the gamer of the computers.
you can do any thing to on the virtual world. One of the hobbies that I have is playing games that I wanted to play. Being one of the many perosns that ware being hooked in this stuff is like living in the world with some things that are hard to imagine to came to true in reality. I enjoy playing computer games especially they can have advantages and disadvantages to our selves and to the society.
Firt thing that I recognize when I was start platying is that, you can gain friends that you have same interest on playing. This frinds of mine is not only in game but in reality also. Is very fun to have with your friends that who helps,protects and support you in all things. Sometimes if I have hard time solving my own problems in life, I can easily approach them bacause they know me already not just in game but in real life. Meeting people in different locations are one of the best that I have. Having an agreement to the other players in the game that can lead to seeing each other in one area.

in this game that i have right now can also gain me some extra money to support my wants as well as to maintain in playing this gfame. You can buy things in game and sell it for true cash or money. And also it helps enhance so many skills base on my experince in gaming. I have learned to do bussiness transactions with other party. knowing the real and what is real or not. deciding which path will go or not. It apllys everything of me.Having a clan or guild are the best part of gaming. Having the one who fight for you when you have trouble in game,helping on you we you got hacked or scam by other players. It tells me how important brotherhood are not just in the game but in real life.

As i said,there are also disadvantages thatI gain in playing this stuff. Fisrt is that it can loos your appetite for some reaosns that you dont want to eat just to play computer games. Skiping meal for example, you prefer not to eat your lunch or dinner just to save money and spent it in playing. Sometimes you forgot to work to other important matters, important than playing the game. For example you forgot to study or to do your research papers. And it laso tells me about how it can largely affect my life. And lastly, it gives dangerous to our health especially to our eyes because eyes is always expose to the radiation of the computers that we are playing.

And know i realize that playing is just spending your lleisure time when uyou have nothing to do, but you shoukl balance it to your other daily lives so that it might not affect and give you some trouble in the future.