Monday, March 2, 2009

College LIfe

College Life... is the stage were we are starting to become who we are and what we are going to be with.. In this stage. we are decding whether what we gonna be in the future...As I experinced, it feels wonderful and heart warming when you are preparing for the another stage of studying. Having hard time to finish all of the things that we would do in order to enter another institution to enroll. New people to meet, new friends,new experinces and also new teachers to be with... On the first day of my class, I quiet ashame and shy to express things that is happening in the class. but on the later part of the first semester of we have, many happenings and frinds that are encounter. Some of this are the one who you can mingle on your spare time, doing such carzy hings just for fun,goind anywhere that we wanted to go. College lofe is so wonderful and yet quite busy and sterssfull to have.. many Prjects that shouls pass, many requirements and assgns to be done. We are not dealing only for having fun but it is thwe serious act of studying hard for the future.

And in this stage we enounter terrible instuctors and teahcers that tought us to be a good and responsible students and a medical profession in the future, becasue we are dealing of life, a patient who needs care and enhance their health status in life. This stage I personally learned how to deal persons who dont want to be with you. Dealing with the relationship that not just for fun or to have companion but to be with you in times of troubles and hardships that we encounter in this stage. This college life that I have was very challenging for me beacuse in this stage, my parents are test on how to prove to us how they are working theirbest for our futureto have.

Even though I have not finish this college life. I can say that I am ready to face any obstacles and hardships to come in my succeding years because I am equip with the strengths and wisdom that my experinces gave to me. And also the that for the mentors and parents who taught me on how to mange things in the right path.

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